Apna Brooklyn Community Center in partnership with Hunger Free America is seeking a full-time VISTA member for the position of VISTA Food Pantry Assistant. APNA’s mission is community education, engagement, and empowerment APNA provides a wide variety of programs and services including entitlement and case management services, senior services, youth services, community and cultural events, informational workshops, weekly food pantry distributions, halal meals distribution, civic engagement, voter registration, many educational workshop and cultural events. During the pandemic, APNA stepped in to assist the community in dealing with financial and food insecurities. In addition to its food pantry, APNA distributed PPE, conducted Test and Trace outreach and assisted residents with applications for pandemic unemployment insurance and other COVID-19 relief programs.The individual will be responsible to strength the food distribution process and secure more sources of food and supplies to alleviate the food insecurities in Brooklyn, NY. The other objective of the position is to volunteers management and to engage more volunteers for SNAP, Cash Assistance, Health Insurance, and other public benefits outreach.Apply at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__my.americorps.gov_mp_listing_viewListing.do-3FfromSearch-3Dtrue-26id-3D111702&d=DwMGaQ&c=4NmamNZG3KTnUCoC6InoLJ6KV1tbVKrkZXHRwtIMGmo&r=uz3-C5cwk34jMdnwird_IQUTR2hijEwe2Qvjxf3O6Qg&m=TycpN34fEb4OcICTiIydP_3nGJ5Az0i8_g_kpwdLOC0&s=l0-V3KFOhYZ9gaOOXnyBorqL5icStPfwGTh75RNXeEg&e=